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加高SMD晶振超越汽车和医疗应用领先同行,在Harmony Electronics,我们处于在各种行业中利用石英晶体元件的最前沿。我们的产品广泛应用于汽车、医疗、数据通信等领域。在这篇博文中,我们将深入探讨这些应用,特别关注晶体振荡器和晶体谐振器在汽车和医疗领域的应用。










虽然汽车和医疗应用是我们Harmony Electronics关注的重要部分,但我们的石英晶体元件也在其他几个领域得到了应用。


编码 Series 品牌 描述 频率 频率稳定性
X1H008000DI1H-HW HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 8.000MHZ ±20ppm
X3S026000B71HZ-NHPZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ ±10ppm
X1C026000B81H-V HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 26.000MHZ -
X2C024000BA1H HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 24.000MHZ ±10ppm
X2C024000B71H-V HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ ±10ppm
X2R026000BZ1HZ-DEHPZ HSX221SR HELE加高晶振 SMD晶振 Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 26.000MHZ -
X3S012000DK1HA-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ ±20ppm
X2B050000BC1H-V HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 50.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C024000FA1H-X HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ 30PPM
X3S026000BZ1HZ-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 26.000MHZ -
X3S027000BK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ 10PPM
X1C048000FK1H-HX HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 48.000MHZ 30PPM
X3S030000BK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S026000B81H-NCHZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C016000B81H-HPU HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 16.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S013560DA1H-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 13.560MHZ ±20ppm
X2C024000B91H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C037400BG1H-U HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 37.400MHZ 10PPM
X3S024000DC1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 24.000MHZ ±20ppm
X2B040000BF1H-HT HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 40.000MHZ ±15ppm
X2B030000BA1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 30.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B026000B91H-HR HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S028375DK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.375MHZ ±20ppm
X3S050000FK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 50.000MHZ 30PPM
X2B038400BA1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 38.400MHZ 10PPM
X3S012000FK1H-HV HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ 30PPM
X3S032000BA1H-R HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B040000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 40.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S012000DK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ ±20ppm
X3S020000BI1H-HZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 20.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B032000C81H-HU HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 32.000MHZ ±15ppm
X3S030000BA1H-S HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S030000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 30.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S026000B71HZ-NCHPR HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B012000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 12.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C027120FA1H-HV HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 27.120MHZ ±30ppm
X1C032000B81H-HU HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B030000BA1H-HW HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 30.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S011059FK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 11.0592MHZ 30PPM
X2B026000B91H-HV HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S032000LK1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 20PPM
X2C040000B91HA-Z HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 40.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B026000BC1H-Z HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B016000BC1H-HV HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 16.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C016000B91H-R HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 16.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S032000BG1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S036000BG1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 36.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B019200BZ1H-CHZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 19.200MHZ 10PPM
X2C032000BA1HA-U HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B026000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B026000L91H-S HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ ±8ppm
X2C048000L71H-CEHZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 48.000MHZ ±8ppm
X3S027000FC1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ ±30ppm
X2B030000FA1H-X HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 30.000MHZ ±30ppm
X2C032000BC1H-R HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S012000BI1H-R HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S012000DG1H-H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ ±20ppm
X3S030000BA1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ ±10ppm
X2B024000FK1H-V HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 24.000MHZ ±30ppm
X3Z01474ADK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 14.7456MHZ -
X1C026000BC1H-HZ HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 26.000MHZ -
X2B026000B81H-CHZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ 10PPM
X3S020000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 20.000MHZ 10PPM
X5H008000DK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ ±20ppm
X3Z02863ADK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ ±20ppm
X3S02863ADA1H-W HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ ±20ppm
X3S010000BK1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 10.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C038400BA1H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 38.400MHZ 10PPM
X3S008000FA1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 8.000MHZ 30PPM
X2B02863ADC1H-W HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ ±20ppm
X2B032000D81H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 32.000MHZ ±20ppm
X3S027000BK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ 10PPM
X2B025000BI1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 25.000MHZ 10PPM
X2C032000B81H-HS HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ ±10ppm
X3S011059BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 11.0592MHZ ±10ppm
X3S012800DF1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 12.800MHZ ±20ppm
X1H008000DC1H-U HSX531S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 8.000MHZ ±20ppm
XSA004000DK1HA-OX HC-49S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 4MHz ±20ppm SMD RoHS 4.000MHZ ±20ppm
X2C026000B71H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-2016_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ ±10ppm
X3S008000BK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 8.000MHZ ±10PPM
X2C048000BA1H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 48.000MHZ ±10ppm
X3S025000FC1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 25.000MHZ ±30ppm
X2BO48000BZ1H-HZ HSX221SA-AU HELE加高晶振 48.000MHZ
X2CO48000B71H-CEHZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 48.000MHZ
X2CO48000R71HA-CEHZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 48.000MHZ
X3GO48000F81H HSX321G HELE加高晶振 48.000MHZ
X2CO40000BD1H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 40.000MHZ
X2BO38400R71H-HPZ HSX221SA-AU HELE加高晶振 38.400MHZ
X2BO37400BC1H-S HSX221SA-AU HELE加高晶振 37.400MHZ
X1CO37400BG1H-HZ HSX111SA-AU HELE加高晶振 37.400MHZ
SSW32768KIECHE-1ST HSO321S(RTC) HELE加高晶振 32.768KHZ
X2BO32000BC1H-HZ HSX221SA 台湾加高晶振 32.000MHZ
X2BO30000C81H-HU HSX221SA-AU HELE加高晶振 30.000MHZ
X2CO27120FC1H-HX HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 27.120MHZ
X3GO27000BA1H-HU HSX321G HELE加高晶振 27.000MHZ
X3SO27000BC1H-HT HSX321S HELE加高晶振 27.000MHZ
X2BO27000FC1H-HX HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 27.000MHZ
X2RO26000BZ1HZ-DEHPZ HSX221SR HELE加高晶振 26.000MHZ
X3SO26000B71HZ-NHPZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 26.000MHZ
XSHO25000FC1H-H HSX530G HELE加高晶振 25.000MHZ
X3SO25000FK1H-HV 71011YO00-098-G HELE加高晶振 25.000MHZ
X3SO25000DG1H-HV 71011YQ00-098-G HELE加高晶振 25.000MHZ







总之,石英晶体组件构成了我们这个互联世界的心跳。在Harmony Electronics,我们致力于开发高质量、可靠的石英晶体元件,为数据通信行业及其他行业提供动力。我们的使命是连接世界,一次一个水晶。



自1976年以来,Harmony Electronics Corp (H.ELE .)一直生产贴片石英晶体频率电子元件,包括用于汽车、消费者和工业的晶体。与日本大信库公司(KDS)的合作帮助H.ELE建立了自己的研究能力。通过在台湾、泰国和中国的生产基地,H.ELE提供具有宽工作温度范围的晶体振荡器和谐振器产品,并专注于小型化趋势。H.ELE的全球销售团队与全球客户有效沟通。公司履行企业社会责任,旨在为全球社会和客户提供价值。H.ELE是高质量晶体频率元件的全球供应商。

At Harmony Electronics, we’re at the forefront of harnessing the power of quartz crystal components in a variety of industries. Our products are widely used in applications ranging from automotive to medical, data communications, and beyond. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these applications, focusing particularly on the use of crystal oscillators and crystal resonators in the automotive and medical fields.

Automotive Electronics: Driving Innovation with Quartz Crystal Components

In the world of automotive electronics, quartz crystal components play a crucial role. They form the backbone of systems like the crystal oscillator circuit and the crystal timer, which are integral to the functioning of many automotive electronic devices.

Quartz frequency is a critical factor in automotive-grade crystals, offering excellent stability and precision. For instance, our OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) and TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) products provide reliable and accurate frequency control, even under varying environmental conditions.

Furthermore, our 32.768 kHz crystal is commonly used in real-time vehicle clocks, contributing to functions such as timekeeping and event logging. Our quartz crystal components are also employed in antenna services, ensuring precise and consistent communication within and between vehicles.

Medical Industry: A Crystal-Clear Future

In the realm of medical technology, quartz crystal components are equally vital. They are used in a range of devices, from diagnostic tools to therapeutic equipment.

The quartz crystal frequency ensures the reliable operation of various medical devices. This includes heart rate monitors, where the crystal oscillator helps maintain a satisfactory rhythm, and medical imaging machines, which help generate precise images for diagnosis and treatment.

Moreover, quartz crystal’s piezoelectric properties make it useful in ultrasound devices. Here, the crystal acts as an electrical-to-acoustic transducer, converting electrical energy into sound waves that can penetrate the body and create images of internal structures.

Beyond Automotive and Medical Applications

While automotive and medical applications are a significant part of our focus at Harmony Electronics, our quartz crystal components also find uses in several other fields.

In data communications, for example, quartz crystal components ensure the smooth functioning of network devices, enabling stable and quick data transfer. In scientific instruments, they are used to make specialized lenses, windows, and filters.

Data Communications: The Backbone of Connectivity

As we delve deeper into the digital age, the role of quartz crystal components in data communications becomes increasingly significant. These components are not just integral to our devices; they are the backbone of our connectivity.

A crystal oscillator circuit is a critical component in many data communication devices, such as routers, modems, and switches. Its primary function is to generate a stable frequency output, crucial for synchronizing data transmission and reception. A stable frequency ensures that data packets sent from one device reach their destination without loss or corruption.

One of the most common oscillators used in data communications is the Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). Known for its excellent stability over a wide temperature range, the TCXO ensures consistent performance even under varying environmental conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for outdoor communication equipment, where temperatures fluctuate significantly.

Another important application of quartz crystals in data communications is in the timing of signals in network devices. The 32.768 kHz crystal, for instance, is often used in real-time clocks for this purpose. Accurate timing is essential for coordinating the operations of multiple devices within a network, preventing data collisions, and ensuring smooth data flow.

Quartz crystal frequency also plays a critical role in wireless communications. It is used in the design of RF circuits, where it helps determine the carrier frequency of the signal. With the rapid growth of wireless technology and the Internet of Things (IoT), the demand for high-quality, reliable quartz crystal components is projected to increase even further.

In conclusion, quartz crystal components form the heartbeat of our connected world. At Harmony Electronics, we are committed to developing high-quality, reliable quartz crystal components that power the data communications industry and beyond. Our mission is to connect the world, one crystal at a time.

We will have more blogs soon. We will explore crystal vs. oscillator, resonator vs. oscillator, crystal oscillator circuit, crystal frequency, crystals for cars, crystal frequency, and more.

About Harmony Electronics:

Since 1976, Harmony Electronics Corp (H.ELE.) has manufactured quartz crystal frequency electronic components for applications, including crystals for cars, consumers, & industries. Collaborating with Japan’s Daishinku Corp (KDS) has helped H.ELE. build its research capability. Through production sites in Taiwan, Thailand, and China, H.ELE. supplies crystal oscillator and resonator products with wide operating temperature ranges and focuses on miniaturization trends. H.ELE.’s global sales team communicates effectively with customers worldwide. The company implements corporate social responsibility and aims to provide value to its global society and customers. H.ELE. is a worldwide supplier of high-quality crystal frequency components.