尺寸:2.0*1.2mm 频率:32.768KHZ 32.768K时钟晶体具有小型,薄型,轻型的贴片晶振表面音叉型晶体谐振器,产品具有优良的耐热性,耐环境特性,可发挥晶振优良的电气特性,符合RoHS规定,满足无铅焊接的高温回流温度曲线要求.更多 +
- [行业资讯]ABS07-120-32.768KHZ-T小封装的石英晶体很适合智能手机2022年10月21日 11:11
ABS07-120-32.768KHZ-T小封装的石英晶体很适合智能手机,The ABS07 series is the perfect solution for time management in RTC circuits. Our high-demand series of tuning fork crystals are low in power consumption preserving battery life in a wide range of applications.
The low frequency in small size SMD and 0.9mm height is ideal for high density circuit boards. The product's seam sealed ceramic package offers excellent environmental & heat resistance and is applicable for wide range in communication & measuring equipment. Other applications include commercial & Industrial applications, wireless communications, PDA, and Smartphone.
Low frequency in small size SMD
0.9mm height ideal for high density circuit boards
Seam sealed ceramic package offers excellent environmental & heat resistance
Extended Temperature -55°C to +125°C for industrial applications
Smart Wearables
Commercial & Industrial Applications
Wireless Communications
PDA & Smartphones
ABS07系列是RTC 电路中时间管理的完美解决方案。编码ABS07-120-32.768KHZ-T是 一款3215mm贴片型无源晶振,32.768KHZ晶振,我们高要求的音叉晶体系列功耗低,可在广泛的应用中保持电池寿命。
- 阅读(620)
- 2高稳定和低抖动的性能XO时钟晶振被用于实时时钟参考TC32L5I32K7680
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- 5编码ABM8AIG-16.000MHZ-12-2-T3是一款3225mm四脚无源晶振专属于激光雷达
- 6LVDS低抖动振荡器ECX2-LMV-3CN-100.000-TR适用于千兆以太网
- 7功率优化的MEMS振荡器AMPMAGD-18.0000T延长电池寿命并提高耐用性
- 8ABS07-120-32.768KHZ-T小封装的石英晶体很适合智能手机
- 9编码ECS-3525-120-B-TR超小型SMD振荡器是高密度应用的理想选择
- 10为何这款无源晶振ABLS-LR-24.000MHZ-T能得到无线模块的青睐?